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Maps of Chickamauga

Map Legend

The Battle
     The Campaign
     Sept. 18th, 1863
     Sept. 19th, 1863
     Sept. 20th, 1863

Then and Now

Order of Battle

Wargaming Chickamauga



Confederate Order of Battle
The Campaign
September 6th

            By September 6th a number of changes had occurred.  Breckinridge’s and part of Walker’s divisions had arrived from Mississippi.  Breckinridge was assigned to Hill’s Corps, and Stewart’s division was sent to reinforce Buckner’s Department of East Tennessee.  Soon Buckner’s department was consolidated with Bragg’s Department of Tennessee, and on September 3rd Stewart’s division was combined with the remnants of that department to form Buckner’s Corps.  The corps kept operational control of the cavalry from East Tennessee for a few days, as well as keeping a reserve battalion of artillery under corps command.

            On August 21, Liddell’s brigade of Cleburne’s division, and Walthall’s brigade of Hindman’s division were taken from their parent organizations and combined into a new division commanded by Liddell.  This division was combined with the two brigades of Walker’s division that had arrived to form the Reserve Corps.  Walker kept operational control of his own division as well as the command of the corps.

            Jackson’s independent infantry brigade was assigned to Cheatham’s division.

            When Bragg abandoned Chattanooga on September 6th, he commanded four corps of infantry, a corps of cavalry, and an independent cavalry division.  This organization would continue throughout the month of September until the eve of the battle.

Army of Tennessee

OR Vol. 30, Chap. 42 Pt. 4 pgs. 522, 592

This Terrible Sound: The Battle of Chickamauga, pgs. 48-49, 56

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