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Maps of Allatoona Pass

Map Legend

The Battle
     Opening Moves
     10:00 AM
     10:20 AM
     10:30 AM
     10:40 AM
     10:50 AM
     11:00 AM
     12:00 PM
     1:30 PM
     2:00 PM

Then and Now

Order of Battle

Wargaming Allatoona Pass


12:00 PM

            After an hour of intense combat the fighting slows.  Confederate units are badly intermingled and using whatever cover and concealment is available along the slopes and gullies.  Union fire has noticeably fallen off because of low ammunition.  Many Confederate accounts describe being able to move freely along the slope, although in all likelihood it is still very dangerous to do so.

            Dead and wounded fill the interior of the Star Fort and the ditch.  Confederate skirmishers use the house and barn located north of the fort as cover, and General Corse in the Star Fort is wounded while looking through an embrasure toward them.  Cannon fire from the fort demolishes the two buildings.


allatoona pass 12 pm
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