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Maps of Allatoona Pass

Map Legend

The Battle
     Opening Moves
     10:00 AM
     10:20 AM
     10:30 AM
     10:40 AM
     10:50 AM
     11:00 AM
     12:00 PM
     1:30 PM
     2:00 PM

Then and Now

Order of Battle

Wargaming Allatoona Pass


1:30 PM

            After an hour and a half of skirmishing, General French receives word of Federal reinforcements approaching from the south.  The information is incorrect, but French has no idea of that at the time.  He decides to retreat and rejoin the rest of Hood’s army before he gets cut off.  He therefore orders Cockrell and Young’s brigades to withdraw and reform along the ridge near the Cartersville Road.


allatoona pass 130 pm
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