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Maps of Allatoona Pass

Map Legend

The Battle
     Opening Moves
     10:00 AM
     10:20 AM
     10:30 AM
     10:40 AM
     10:50 AM
     11:00 AM
     12:00 PM
     1:30 PM
     2:00 PM

Then and Now

Order of Battle

Wargaming Allatoona Pass


Modern Changes


The map below illustrates most of the changes that have occurred on and near the battlefield since 1864.  The most prominent, of course, is the creation of Lake Allatoona.  The railroad bed south of the pass appears to have been raised slightly in order to make an earthen dam.  The contour lines on the map were not changed to reflect this.  The Western & Atlantic Railroad, now CSX, was moved in the 1940s because of the creation of Lake Allatoona.

Trees and forest now cover most of the battlefield, which was open at the time of the battle to provide the defenders with clear fields of fire.

A modern paved road, Old Alabama Road, has taken the place of the Cartersville Road.  The western portion of the Cartersville Road now serves as a communal driveway for several houses in the area.  Several  houses have been built west of the Star Fort, and Rowett’s Redoubt is in danger of being destroyed.  No effort was made to place every single house, structure, and driveway on the map, but a good idea of how the area has changed can be seen.

allatoona modern changes
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